Tuesday, April 27, 2010

When This Week is Over

When this week is over, my life will feel almost stress-free. This week I have so many things that I must do in order to get happy grades in school and keep me on course to graduate in the Fall. Already this week I have accomplished two of the four huge projects I have for the week. I am extremely ready for them all to be done with and turned in. The part of this that I will hate the most is the presentation I give tomorrow in one of my classes. I don't like to give presentations in a foreign language, but whatever I have to do I will do. My GPA is actually important to me so I do everything that is assigned in every class (when necessary). When this week is over I have one small non comprehensive final on Tuesday and then I can prepare myself for a week long trip to San Diego followed by a week at camp school. . .that's the only other thing that stresses me out right now. However, that is only because I don't get to be with my wife for a week :(
I don't care much about politics, but I care enough to respect congressmen. Rush Limbaugh smokes, so does the President of the U.S. Regardless of political party people will have the same vicious habits. Anyway, I just don't like to hear all about this guy and that guy and who's the better politician all over facebook. These conversations make people look dumb and help us all understand why our country is so full of problems.
So, I am graduating really soon and that is a relief. By 2011 I will have no more homework. Anyone jealous? And just for fun I will shout this out: Go Braves, Packers, Cavs, Flyers and USU Aggies!
The End.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Photoshop Picture Fun

Here are the original photos, but with Photoshop I was able to enhance them in an interesting manner. 1st I copied the image layer, then I made the photo black and white. Following that I took the eraser tool and brought back color where I wanted it. Then I changed the shadow and midtone contrast to give an old photo look to the pictures.